GitHub: MEMBLOCK memblock_reserve()

Email: BuddyZhang1







MEMBLOCK 内存分配器原理

MEMBLOCK 内存分配器作为 arm32 早期的内存管理器,维护了两种内存。第一种内存是系统可用 的物理内存,即系统实际含有的物理内存,其值从 DTS 中进行配置,并通过 uboot 实际探测之 后传入到内核。第二种内存是内核预留给操作系统的内存,这部分内存作为特殊功能使用,不能作 为共享内存使用。MEMBLOCK 内存分配器基础框架如下:


                                         struct memblock_region
                       struct            +------+------+--------+------+
                       memblock_type     |      |      |        |      |
                       +----------+      | Reg0 | Reg1 | ...    | Regn |
                       |          |      |      |      |        |      |
                       | regions -|----->+------+------+--------+------+
                       | cnt      |      [memblock_memory_init_regions]
                       |          |
 struct           o--->+----------+
 memblock         |
 +-----------+    |
 |           |    |
 | memory   -|----o
 | reserved -|----o
 |           |    |                      struct memblock_region
 +-----------+    |    struct            +------+------+--------+------+
                  |    memblock_type     |      |      |        |      |
                  o--->+----------+      | Reg0 | Reg1 | ...    | Regn |
                       |          |      |      |      |        |      |
                       | regions -|----->+------+------+--------+------+
                       | cnt      |      [memblock_reserved_init_regions]
                       |          |

从上面的逻辑图可以知道,MEMBLOCK 分配器使用一个 struct memblock 结构维护着两种内存, 其中成员 memory 维护着可用物理内存区域;成员 reserved 维护着操作系统预留的内存区域。 每个区域使用数据结构 struct memblock_type 进行管理,其成员 regions 负责维护该类型内 存的所有内存区,每个内存区使用数据结构 struct memblock_region 进行维护。

MEMBLOCK 分配器的主体是使用数据结构 struct memblock 进行维护,定义如下:

* struct memblock - memblock allocator metadata
* @bottom_up: is bottom up direction?
* @current_limit: physical address of the current allocation limit
* @memory: usabe memory regions
* @reserved: reserved memory regions
* @physmem: all physical memory
struct memblock {
        bool bottom_up;  /* is bottom up direction? */
        phys_addr_t current_limit;
        struct memblock_type memory;
        struct memblock_type reserved;
        struct memblock_type physmem;

从上面的数据可知,struct memblock 通过数据结构 struct memblock_type 维护了初期的两 种内存,可用物理内存维护在 memory 成员里,操作系统预留的内存维护在 reserved 里。 current_limit 成员用于指定当前 MEMBLOCK 分配器在上限。在 linux 5.0 arm32 中,内核 实例化了一个 struct memblock 结构,以供 MEMBLOCK 进行内存的管理,其定义如下:

struct memblock memblock __initdata_memblock = {
        .memory.regions         = memblock_memory_init_regions,
        .memory.cnt             = 1,    /* empty dummy entry */
        .memory.max             = INIT_MEMBLOCK_REGIONS,            = "memory",

        .reserved.regions       = memblock_reserved_init_regions,
        .reserved.cnt           = 1,    /* empty dummy entry */
        .reserved.max           = INIT_MEMBLOCK_RESERVED_REGIONS,          = "reserved",

        .physmem.regions        = memblock_physmem_init_regions,
        .physmem.cnt            = 1,    /* empty dummy entry */
        .physmem.max            = INIT_PHYSMEM_REGIONS,           = "physmem",

        .bottom_up              = false,
        .current_limit          = MEMBLOCK_ALLOC_ANYWHERE,

从上面的数据中可以看出,对于可用物理内存,其名字设定为 “memory”,初始状态系统下,可用 物理物理的所有内存区块都维护在 memblock_memory_init_regions 上,当前情况下,可用物 理内存区只包含一个内存区块,然而可用物理内存可管理 INIT_MEMBLOCK_REGIONS 个内存区 块;同理,对于预留内存,其名字设定为 “reserved”,初始状态下,预留物理内存的所有区块 都维护在 memblock_reserved_init_regions 上,当前情况下,预留物理内存区只包含一个内 存区块,然而预留内存区可以维护管理 INIT_MEMBLOCK_RESERVED_REGIONS 个内存区块。

MEMBLOCK 分配器中,使用数据结构 struct memblock_type 管理不同类型的内存,其定义 如下:

* struct memblock_type - collection of memory regions of certain type
* @cnt: number of regions
* @max: size of the allocated array
* @total_size: size of all regions
* @regions: array of regions
* @name: the memory type symbolic name
struct memblock_type {
        unsigned long cnt;
        unsigned long max;
        phys_addr_t total_size;
        struct memblock_region *regions;
        char *name;

通过 struct memblock_type 结构,可以获得当前类型的物理内存管理内存区块的数量 cnt, 最大可管理内存区块的数量 max,已经管理内存区块的总体积 total_size,以及指向内存区块 的指针 regions

                  struct memblock_region
struct            +------+------+--------+------+
memblock_type     |      |      |        |      |
+----------+      | Reg0 | Reg1 | ...    | Regn |
|          |      |      |      |        |      |
| regions -|----->+------+------+--------+------+
| cnt      |      [memblock_memory_init_regions]
|          |

数据结构 struct memblock_region 维护一块内存区块,其定义为:

* struct memblock_region - represents a memory region
* @base: physical address of the region
* @size: size of the region
* @flags: memory region attributes
* @nid: NUMA node id
struct memblock_region {
        phys_addr_t base;
        phys_addr_t size;
        enum memblock_flags flags;
        int nid;

通过改数据结构,可以知道内存区块起始的物理地址和所占用的体积。内存区块被维护在不同的 struct memblock_type 的 regions 链表上,这是一个由数组构成的链表,链表通过每个区块 的基地址的大小,从小到大的排列。每个内存区块代表的内存区不能与本链表中的其他内存区块相 互重叠,可以相连。内核初始定义了两个内存区块数组,如下:

static struct memblock_region memblock_memory_init_regions[INIT_MEMBLOCK_REGIONS] __initdata_memblock;
static struct memblock_region memblock_reserved_init_regions[INIT_MEMBLOCK_RESERVED_REGIONS] __initdata_memblock

MEMBLOCK 内存分配器提供的逻辑

MEMBLOCK 通过上面的数据结构管理 arm32 早期的物理内存,使操作系统能够分配或回收可用的 物理内存,也可以将指定的物理内存预留给操作系统。通过这样的逻辑操作,早期的物理的内存得 到有效的管理,防止内存泄露和内存分配失败等问题。


Arch: arm32

Version: Linux 5.x

函数: memblock_reserve()


int __init_memblock memblock_reserve(phys_addr_t base, phys_addr_t size)
    phys_addr_t end = base + size - 1;

    memblock_dbg("memblock_reserve: [%pa-%pa] %pF\n",
             &base, &end, (void *)_RET_IP_);

    return memblock_add_range(&memblock.reserved, base, size, MAX_NUMNODES, 0);

参数 base 指向内存区块的物理基地址,size 参数指定了内存区块的大小

函数首先定义了一个 phys_addr_t 变量 end,其值等于该内存区块最后一个物理地址。接着将 memblock.reserved 预留内存的指针,内存区块基地址 base,内存区块长度 size,以及 MAX_NUMNODES 宏传入 memblock_add_range() 函数中,并且该函数的最后一个参数为 0.

* memblock_add_range - add new memblock region
* @type: memblock type to add new region into
* @base: base address of the new region
* @size: size of the new region
* @nid: nid of the new region
* @flags: flags of the new region
* Add new memblock region [@base, @base + @size) into @type.  The new region
* is allowed to overlap with existing ones - overlaps don't affect already
* existing regions.  @type is guaranteed to be minimal (all neighbouring
* compatible regions are merged) after the addition.
* Return:
* 0 on success, -errno on failure.
int __init_memblock memblock_add_range(struct memblock_type *type,
                phys_addr_t base, phys_addr_t size,
                int nid, enum memblock_flags flags)
    bool insert = false;
    phys_addr_t obase = base;
    phys_addr_t end = base + memblock_cap_size(base, &size);
    int idx, nr_new;
    struct memblock_region *rgn;

    if (!size)
        return 0;

    /* special case for empty array */
    if (type->regions[0].size == 0) {
        WARN_ON(type->cnt != 1 || type->total_size);
        type->regions[0].base = base;
        type->regions[0].size = size;
        type->regions[0].flags = flags;
        memblock_set_region_node(&type->regions[0], nid);
        type->total_size = size;
        return 0;
     * The following is executed twice.  Once with %false @insert and
     * then with %true.  The first counts the number of regions needed
     * to accommodate the new area.  The second actually inserts them.
    base = obase;
    nr_new = 0;

    for_each_memblock_type(idx, type, rgn) {
        phys_addr_t rbase = rgn->base;
        phys_addr_t rend = rbase + rgn->size;

        if (rbase >= end)
        if (rend <= base)
         * @rgn overlaps.  If it separates the lower part of new
         * area, insert that portion.
        if (rbase > base) {
            WARN_ON(nid != memblock_get_region_node(rgn));
            WARN_ON(flags != rgn->flags);
            if (insert)
                memblock_insert_region(type, idx++, base,
                               rbase - base, nid,
        /* area below @rend is dealt with, forget about it */
        base = min(rend, end);

    /* insert the remaining portion */
    if (base < end) {
        if (insert)
            memblock_insert_region(type, idx, base, end - base,
                           nid, flags);

    if (!nr_new)
        return 0;

     * If this was the first round, resize array and repeat for actual
     * insertions; otherwise, merge and return.
    if (!insert) {
        while (type->cnt + nr_new > type->max)
            if (memblock_double_array(type, obase, size) < 0)
                return -ENOMEM;
        insert = true;
        goto repeat;
    } else {
        return 0;

函数的作用是向内存区中添加一块新的内存区块 代码很长,分段解析:

* memblock_add_range - add new memblock region
* @type: memblock type to add new region into
* @base: base address of the new region
* @size: size of the new region
* @nid: nid of the new region
* @flags: flags of the new region
* Add new memblock region [@base, @base + @size) into @type.  The new region
* is allowed to overlap with existing ones - overlaps don't affect already
* existing regions.  @type is guaranteed to be minimal (all neighbouring
* compatible regions are merged) after the addition.
* Return:
* 0 on success, -errno on failure.
int __init_memblock memblock_add_range(struct memblock_type *type,
                phys_addr_t base, phys_addr_t size,
                int nid, enum memblock_flags flags)
    bool insert = false;
    phys_addr_t obase = base;
    phys_addr_t end = base + memblock_cap_size(base, &size);
    int idx, nr_new;
    struct memblock_region *rgn;

    if (!size)
        return 0;

参数 type 指向了内存区,由上面调用的函数可知,这里指向预留内存区;base 指向新加入的 内存块的基地址; size 指向新加入的内核块的长度; nid 指向 NUMA 节点; flags 指向新加 入内存块对应的 flags。

函数首先调用 memblock_cap_size() 函数与 base 参数相加,以此计算新加入内存块的最后 后的物理地址。如果 size 参数为零,那么函数不做任何操作直接返回 0.

/* special case for empty array */
if (type->regions[0].size == 0) {
	WARN_ON(type->cnt != 1 || type->total_size);
	type->regions[0].base = base;
	type->regions[0].size = size;
	type->regions[0].flags = flags;
	memblock_set_region_node(&type->regions[0], nid);
	type->total_size = size;
	return 0;

函数首先检查参数 type->regions[0].size,以此判断该内存区内是不是不包含其他内存区块, 由于内存区内的所有内存区块都是按其首地址从低到高排列,如果第一个内存区块的长度为 0, 那么函数基本认为这个内存区可能为空,但不能确定。函数继续检查内存区的 cnt 变量,这个变 量统计内存区内内存块的数量,有内存区的初始化可知,内存区的 cnt 为 1 时,表示内存区内 不含任何内存区块;函数也会检查,如果内存区的 total_size 不为零,那么内存区函数内存区 块,但是函数期望的是不含有任何内存区块,如果含有,内核就会报错。

但检查到的该内存区内不包含任何内存区块是,新加入的内存区块就是第一块,函数直接将新的 内存区块放到数组的首成员,如上述代码,执行完之后,函数就返回 0.

	 * The following is executed twice.  Once with %false @insert and
	 * then with %true.  The first counts the number of regions needed
	 * to accommodate the new area.  The second actually inserts them.
	base = obase;
	nr_new = 0;

	for_each_memblock_type(idx, type, rgn) {
		phys_addr_t rbase = rgn->base;
		phys_addr_t rend = rbase + rgn->size;

		if (rbase >= end)
		if (rend <= base)
		 * @rgn overlaps.  If it separates the lower part of new
		 * area, insert that portion.
		if (rbase > base) {
			WARN_ON(nid != memblock_get_region_node(rgn));
			WARN_ON(flags != rgn->flags);
			if (insert)
				memblock_insert_region(type, idx++, base,
						       rbase - base, nid,
		/* area below @rend is dealt with, forget about it */
		base = min(rend, end);

	/* insert the remaining portion */
	if (base < end) {
		if (insert)
			memblock_insert_region(type, idx, base, end - base,
					       nid, flags);

如果内存区内已经包含其他的内存区块,那么函数就会继续执行如下代码。函数首先调用 for_each_memblock_type() 函数遍历该内存区内的所有内存区块,每遍历到一个内存区块, 函数会将新的内存区块和该内存区块进行比较,这两个内存区块一共会出现 11 种情况,但函数 将这么多的情况分作三种进行统一处理:



1) rbase > end

 base                    end        rbase               rend
 +-----------------------+          +-------------------+
 |                       |          |                   |
 | New region            |          | Exist regions     |
 |                       |          |                   |
 +-----------------------+          +-------------------+

2)rbase == endi

                         rbase                      rend
                        | <----------------------> |
 |                      |                          |
 | New region           | Exist regions            |
 |                      |                          |
 | <------------------> |
 base                   end

对于这类情况,函数会直接退出 for_each_memblock() 循环,直接进入下一个判断,此时新内 存块的基地址都小于其结束地址,这样函数就会将新的内存块加入到内存区的链表中去

遍历到的内存区块的终止地址小于或等于新内存区块的起始地址, 新的内存区块位于遍历到内存区块的后面


1) base > rend
 rbase                rend         base                  end
 +--------------------+            +---------------------+
 |                    |            |                     |
 |   Exist regions    |            |      new region     |
 |                    |            |                     |
 +--------------------+            +---------------------+

2) base == rend
 rbase                rend                     end
 |                    |                        |
 |   Exist regions    |       new region       |
 |                    |                        |

对于这类情况,函数会在 for_each_memblock() 中继续循环遍历剩下的节点,直到找到新加的 内存区块与已遍历到的内存区块存在其他类情况。也可能出现遍历的内存区块是内存区最后一块 内存区块,那么函数就会结束 for_each_memblock() 的循环,这样的话新内存区块还是和最后 一块已遍历的内存区块保持这样的关系。接着函数检查到新的内存区块的基地址小于其结束地址, 那么函数就将这块内存区块加入到内存区链表内。


剩余的情况中,新的内存区块都与已遍历到的内存区块存在重叠部分,但可以分做两种情况进行处 理:




                 rbase     Exist regions        rend
                 | <--------------------------> |
 |               |        |                     |
 |               |        |                     |
 |               |        |                     |
 | <--------------------> |
 base   New region        end

当然还有其他几种几种也满足这种情况,但这种情况的显著特征就是不重叠部分位于已遍历的内存 区块的前部。对于这种情况,函数在调用 for_each_memblock() 循环的时候,只要探测到这种 情况的时候,函数就会直接调用 memblock_insert_region() 函数将不重叠部分直接加入到内存 区链表里,新加入的部分在内存区链表中位于已遍历内存区块的前面。执行完上面的函数之后, 调用 min 函数重新调整新内存区块的基地址,新调整的内存区块可能 base 与 end 也可能出现 两种情况:

base < end

base == end

如果 base == end 情况,那么新内存区块在这部分代码段已经执行完成。对于 base 小于 end 的情况,函数继续调用 memblock_insert_region() 函数将剩下的内存区块加入到内存区块 链表内。


* rbase                     rend
* | <---------------------> |
* +----------------+--------+----------------------+
* |                |        |                      |
* | Exist regions  |        |                      |
* |                |        |                      |
* +----------------+--------+----------------------+
*                  | <---------------------------> |
*                  base      new region            end

对于这种情况,函数会继续在 for_each_memblock() 中循环,并且每次循环中,都调用 min 函数更新新内存区块的基地址,并不断循环,使其不予已存在的内存区块重叠或出现其他位置。 如果循环结束时,新的内存区块满足 base < end 的情况,那么就调用 memblock_insert_region() 函数将剩下的内存区块加入到内存区块链表里。

if (!nr_new)
	return 0;

 * If this was the first round, resize array and repeat for actual
 * insertions; otherwise, merge and return.
if (!insert) {
	while (type->cnt + nr_new > type->max)
		if (memblock_double_array(type, obase, size) < 0)
			return -ENOMEM;
	insert = true;
	goto repeat;
} else {
	return 0;

接下来的代码片段首先检查 nr_new 参数,这个参数用于指定有没有新的内存区块需要加入到内 存区块链表。到这里大家通过实践运行发现有几个参数会很困惑:nr_new 和 insert,以及为什 么要 repeat?其实设计这部分代码的开发者的基本思路就是:第一次通过 insert 和 nr_new 变量只检查新的内存区块是否加入到内存区块以及要加入几个内存区块(在有的一个内存区块由于 与已经存在的内存区块存在重叠被分成了两块,所以这种情况下,一块新的内存区块加入时就需 要向内存区块链表中加入两块内存区块),通过这样的检测之后,函数就在上面的代码中检测现 有的内存区是否能存储下这么多的内存区块,如果不能,则调用 memblock_double_array() 函 数增加现有内存区块链表的长度。检测完毕之后,函数就执行真正的加入工作,将新的内存区块 都加入到内存区块链表内。执行完以上操作之后,函数最后调用 memblock_merge_regions() 函数将内存区块链表中可以合并的内存区块进行合并。

 * memblock_insert_region - insert new memblock region
 * @type:	memblock type to insert into
 * @idx:	index for the insertion point
 * @base:	base address of the new region
 * @size:	size of the new region
 * @nid:	node id of the new region
 * @flags:	flags of the new region
 * Insert new memblock region [@base, @base + @size) into @type at @idx.
 * @type must already have extra room to accommodate the new region.
static void __init_memblock memblock_insert_region(struct memblock_type *type,
						   int idx, phys_addr_t base,
						   phys_addr_t size,
						   int nid,
						   enum memblock_flags flags)
	struct memblock_region *rgn = &type->regions[idx];

	BUG_ON(type->cnt >= type->max);
	memmove(rgn + 1, rgn, (type->cnt - idx) * sizeof(*rgn));
	rgn->base = base;
	rgn->size = size;
	rgn->flags = flags;
	memblock_set_region_node(rgn, nid);
	type->total_size += size;

参数 type 指向内存区;idx 指向内存区链表索引;base 指向内存区块的基地址;size 指向 内存区块的长度;nid 指向 NUMA 号;flags 指向内存区块标志


函数首先检查内存区块链表是否已经超出最大内存区块数,如果是则报错。接着函数调用 memmove() 函数将内存区块链表中 idx 对应的内存区块以及之后的内存区块都往内存区块链表 后移一个位置,然后将空出来的位置给新的内存区使用。移动完之后就是更新相关的数据。

 * memblock_merge_regions - merge neighboring compatible regions
 * @type: memblock type to scan
 * Scan @type and merge neighboring compatible regions.
static void __init_memblock memblock_merge_regions(struct memblock_type *type)
	int i = 0;

	/* cnt never goes below 1 */
	while (i < type->cnt - 1) {
		struct memblock_region *this = &type->regions[i];
		struct memblock_region *next = &type->regions[i + 1];

		if (this->base + this->size != next->base ||
		    memblock_get_region_node(this) !=
		    memblock_get_region_node(next) ||
		    this->flags != next->flags) {
			BUG_ON(this->base + this->size > next->base);

		this->size += next->size;
		/* move forward from next + 1, index of which is i + 2 */
		memmove(next, next + 1, (type->cnt - (i + 2)) * sizeof(*next));

参数 type 指向内存区


函数通过遍历内存区块链表内存的所有内存区块,如果满足两个内存区是连接在一起的,以及 NUMA 号相同,flags 也相同,那么这两块内存区块就可以合并;反之只要其中一个条件不满足, 那么就不能合并。合并两个内存区块就是调用 memmove() 函数,首先将能合并的两个内存区块数 据进行更新,将前一块的 size 增加后一块的 size,然后将后一块的下一块开始的 i - 2 块往 前移一个位置,那么合并就完成了。












memblock_reserve() 函数的作用就是将一块物理内存区块加入到预留物理内存内。本次实践的 目的就是向预留区的不同位置添加内存区块。


由于本次实践是基于 Linux 5.x 的 arm32 系统,所以请先参考 Linux 5.x arm32 开发环境 搭建方法以及重点关注驱动实践一节,请参考下例文章,选择一个 linux 5.x 版本进行实践,后 面内容均基于 linux 5.x 继续讲解,文章链接如下:

基于 Linux 5.x 的 arm32 开发环境搭建教程



* memblock allocator
* (C) 2019.03.05 BuddyZhang1 <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.

#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/memblock.h>

* Mark memory as reserved on memblock.reserved regions.
int debug_memblock_reserve(void)
        struct memblock_region *reg;

        /* Scan old reserved region */
        for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
                pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                        reg->base + reg->size);

        /* Reserved memblock region is empty and insert a new region
         * memblock.reserved--->+--------+
         *                      |        |
         *                      | Empty- |
         *                      |        |
         *                      +--------+
        memblock_reserve(0x60000000, 0x200000);
        pr_info("Scan first region:\n");
        for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
                pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                        reg->base + reg->size);

         * Insert a new region which behine and disjunct an exist region:
         * memblock.reserved:
         * rbase                rend         base                  end
         * +--------------------+            +---------------------+
         * |                    |            |                     |
         * |   Exist regions    |            |      new region     |
         * |                    |            |                     |
         * +--------------------+            +---------------------+
         * 1) rend < base
         * 2) rbase: 0x60000000
         *    rend:  0x60200000
         *    base:  0x62000000
         *    end:   0x62200000
         * Processing: Insert/Merge
         * rbase                rend         rbase                 rend
         * +--------------------+            +---------------------+
         * |                    |            |                     |
         * |   Exist regions    |            |    Exist regions    |
         * |                    |            |                     |
         * +--------------------+            +---------------------+
         * 1) rbase: 0x60000000
         *    rend:  0x60200000
         *    base:  0x62000000
         *    end:   0x62200000
        memblock_reserve(0x62000000, 0x200000);
        pr_info("Scan behine and disjunct region:\n");
        for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
                pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                        reg->base + reg->size);

         * Insert a new region which behine and conjunct an exist region:
         * memblock.reserved:
         *                      base
         * rbase                rend                     end
         * +--------------------+------------------------+
         * |                    |                        |
         * |   Exist regions    |       new region       |
         * |                    |                        |
         * +--------------------+------------------------+
         * 1) base == rend
         * 2) rbase: 0x62000000
         *    rend:  0x62200000
         *    base:  0x62200000
         *    end:   0x62400000
         * Processing: Insert/Merge
         * rbase                                         rend
         * +---------------------------------------------+
         * |                                             |
         * |   Exist regions                             |
         * |                                             |
         * +---------------------------------------------+
         * 1) rbase: 0x62000000
         *    rend:  0x62400000
        memblock_reserve(0x62200000, 0x200000);
        pr_info("Scan behine and conjunct region:\n");
        for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
                pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                        reg->base + reg->size);

         * Insert a new region that part of new region contains by exist
         * regions and part of new region behine exist regions:
         * memblock.reserved:
         * rbase                     rend
         * | <---------------------> |
         * +----------------+--------+----------------------+
         * |                |        |                      |
         * | Exist regions  |        |     new region       |
         * |                |        |                      |
         * +----------------+--------+----------------------+
         *                  | <---------------------------> |
         *                  base                            end
         * 1) base > rebase
         * 2) end  > rend
         * 3) base > rend
         * 4) rbase: 0x62000000
         *    rend:  0x62400000
         *    base:  0x62300000
         *    end:   0x62500000
         * Processing: Insert/Merge
         * rbase                                            rend
         * +------------------------------------------------+
         * |                                                |
         * | Exist regions                                  |
         * |                                                |
         * +------------------------------------------------+
         * 1) rbase: 0x62000000
         *    rend:  0x62500000
        memblock_reserve(0x62300000, 0x200000);
        pr_info("Scan behine but contain regions:\n");
        for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
                pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                        reg->base + reg->size);

         * Insert a new region that contain an exist regions which base
         * address is equal to new region. The end address of new region
         * is big than exist regions.
         * memblock.reserved:
         * rbase:             rend
         * | <--------------> |
         * +------------------+-----------------------------+
         * |                  |                             |
         * |  Exist regions   |        new region           |
         * |                  |                             |
         * +------------------+-----------------------------+
         * | <--------------------------------------------> |
         * base                                             end
         * 1) base == rbase
         * 2) rend < end
         * 3) rbase: 0x62000000
         *    rend:  0x62500000
         *    base:  0x62000000
         *    end:   0x62600000
         * Processing: Insert/Merge
         * rbase                                            rend
         * +------------------------------------------------+
         * |                                                |
         * |  Exist regions                                 |
         * |                                                |
         * +------------------------------------------------+
         * 1) rbase: 0x62000000
         *    rend:  0x62600000
        memblock_reserve(0x62000000, 0x600000);
        pr_info("Scan contain but equal regions:\n");
        for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
                pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                        reg->base + reg->size);

         * Insert a new region that contain whole exist regions.
         * memblock.reserved:
         * base             New regions                     end
         * | <--------------------------------------------> |
         * +-----------+--------------------+---------------+
         * |           |                    |               |
         * |           |   Exist regions    |               |
         * |           |                    |               |
         * +-----------+--------------------+---------------+
         *             | <----------------> |
         *             rbase                rend
         * 1) base < rbase
         * 2) rend < end
         * 3) rbase: 0x62000000
         *    rend:  0x62600000
         *    base:  0x61000000
         *    end:   0x63000000
         * Processing: Insert/Merge
         * rbase                                            rend
         * +------------------------------------------------+
         * |                                                |
         * |              Exist Regions                     |
         * |                                                |
         * +------------------------------------------------+
         * 1) rbase: 0x61000000
         *    rend:  0x63000000
        memblock_reserve(0x61000000, 0x2000000);
        pr_info("Scan region which contain exist one:\n");
        for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
                pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                        reg->base + reg->size);

         * Insert a new region into memblock.reserved regions that new region
         * contain by exist regions, but the base address of new regions is
         * big than exist regions, and end address of new regions is equal
         * to exist regions.
         * memblock.reserved:
         * rbase           Exist regions                   rend
         * | <-------------------------------------------> |
         * +-------------------+---------------------------+
         * |                   |                           |
         * |                   |      New region           |
         * |                   |                           |
         * +-------------------+---------------------------+
         *                     | <-----------------------> |
         *                     base                        end
         * 1) end == rend
         * 2) rbase < base
         * 3) rbase: 0x61000000
         *    rend:  0x63000000
         *    base:  0x62000000
         *    end:   0x63000000
         * Processing: Insert/Merge
         * rbase                                           rend
         * +-----------------------------------------------+
         * |                                               |
         * |  Exist regions                                |
         * |                                               |
         * +-----------------------------------------------+
         * 1) rbase: 0x61000000
         *    rend:  0x63000000
        memblock_reserve(0x62000000, 0x1000000);
        pr_info("Scan region which contain new one:\n");
        for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
                pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                        reg->base + reg->size);

         * Insert a new region into memblock.reserved regions that exist region
         * contains new region and the base address of exist region is equal
         * to new, but the end address of exist is big than new.
         * memblock.reserved:
         * rbase              Exist regions               rend
         * | <------------------------------------------> |
         * +----------------+-----------------------------+
         * |                |                             |
         * |   New region   |                             |
         * |                |                             |
         * +----------------+-----------------------------+
         * | <------------> |
         * base             end
         * 1) base == rbase
         * 2) end < rend
         * 3) rbase: 0x61000000
         *    rend:  0x63000000
         *    base:  0x61000000
         *    end:   0x62000000
         * Processing: Insert/Merge
         * rbase                                          rend
         * +----------------------------------------------+
         * |                                              |
         * |  Exist Regions                               |
         * |                                              |
         * +----------------------------------------------+
         * 1) rbase: 0x61000000
         *    rend:  0x63000000
        memblock_reserve(0x61000000, 0x1000000);
        pr_info("Scan region which contain and head of regions:\n");
        for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
                pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                        reg->base + reg->size);

         * Insert a new region into memblock.reserved and new region is
         * same with exist regions.
         * memblock.reserved:
         * rbase            Exist Regions                 rend
         * | <------------------------------------------> |
         * +----------------------------------------------+
         * |                                              |
         * |                                              |
         * |                                              |
         * +----------------------------------------------+
         * | <------------------------------------------> |
         * base             New region                    end
         * 1) rbase = base
         * 2) rend  = end
         * 3) rbase: 0x61000000
         *    rend:  0x63000000
         *    base:  0x61000000
         *    rend:  0x63000000
         * Processing: Insert/Merge
         * rbase                                          rend
         * +----------------------------------------------+
         * |                                              |
         * | Exist regions                                |
         * |                                              |
         * +----------------------------------------------+
         * 1) rbase: 0x61000000
         *    rend:  0x63000000
        memblock_reserve(0x61000000, 0x2000000);
        pr_info("Scan equal region:\n");
        for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
                pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                        reg->base + reg->size);

         * Insert a new region into memblock.reserved regions. The base address
         * of new region is in the front of base address of exist regions,
         * but end address of new region is big then exist.
         * memblock.reserved
         *                 rbase     Exist regions        rend
         *                 | <--------------------------> |
         * +---------------+--------+---------------------+
         * |               |        |                     |
         * |               |        |                     |
         * |               |        |                     |
         * +---------------+--------+---------------------+
         * | <--------------------> |
         * base   New region        end
         * 1) rbase > base
         * 2) rbase < end
         * 3) end < rend
         * 4) rbase: 0x61000000
         *    rend:  0x63000000
         *    base:  0x60f00000
         *    ene:   0x61100000
         * Processing: Insert/Merge
         * rbase                                          rend
         * +----------------------------------------------+
         * |                                              |
         * | Exist regions                                |
         * |                                              |
         * +----------------------------------------------+
         * 1) rbase: 0x60f00000
         *    rend:  0x63000000
        memblock_reserve(0x60f00000, 0x200000);
        pr_info("Scan forware and contain regions:\n");
        for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
                pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                        reg->base + reg->size);

         * Insert a new region into memblock.reserved regions, and new region
         * is in front of exist regions and conjunct with exist regions.
         * memblock.reserved:
         *                        rbase                      rend
         *                        | <----------------------> |
         * +----------------------+--------------------------+
         * |                      |                          |
         * | New region           | Exist regions            |
         * |                      |                          |
         * +----------------------+--------------------------+
         * | <------------------> |
         * base                   end
         * 1) end == rbase
         * 2) rbase: 0x60f00000
         *    rend:  0x63000000
         *    base:  0x60e00000
         *    end:   0x60f00000
         * Processing: Insert/Merge
         * rbase                                             rend
         * +-------------------------------------------------+
         * |                                                 |
         * | Exist regions                                   |
         * |                                                 |
         * +-------------------------------------------------+
         * 1) rbase: 0x60e00000
         *    rend:  0x63000000
        memblock_reserve(0x60e00000, 0x100000);
        pr_info("Scan forward and conjunct regions:\n");
        for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
                pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                        reg->base + reg->size);

         * Insert a new region into memblock.reserved regions that disjunct
         * with exist regions, and the end address of new regions is more
         * small than exist.
         * memblock.reserved
         * base                    end        rbase               rend
         * +-----------------------+          +-------------------+
         * |                       |          |                   |
         * | New region            |          | Exist regions     |
         * |                       |          |                   |
         * +-----------------------+          +-------------------+
         * 1) end < rbase
         * 2) rbase: 0x60e00000
         *    rend:  0x63000000
         *    base:  0x60a00000
         *    end:   0x60b00000
        memblock_reserve(0x60a00000, 0x100000);
        pr_info("Scan forware and disjunct regions:\n");
        for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
                pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                        reg->base + reg->size);

        /* Clear debug data from memblock.reserved */
        for_each_memblock(reserved, reg) {
                reg->base = 0;
                reg->size = 0;
        memblock.reserved.cnt = 1;
        memblock.reserved.total_size = 0;

        return 0;


由于这部分驱动涉及到较早的内核启动接管,所以不能直接以模块的形式编入到内核,需要直接 编译进内核,首先将驱动放到 drivers/BiscuitOS/ 目录下,命名为 memblock.c,然后修改 Kconfig 文件,添加内容参考如下:

diff --git a/drivers/BiscuitOS/Kconfig b/drivers/BiscuitOS/Kconfig
index 4edc5a5..1a9abee 100644
--- a/drivers/BiscuitOS/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/BiscuitOS/Kconfig
@@ -6,4 +6,14 @@ if BISCUITOS_DRV
        bool "BiscuitOS misc driver"
+       bool "Memblock allocator"
+       bool "memblock_reserve()"

接着修改 Makefile,请参考如下修改:

diff --git a/drivers/BiscuitOS/Makefile b/drivers/BiscuitOS/Makefile
index 82004c9..9909149 100644
--- a/drivers/BiscuitOS/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/BiscuitOS/Makefile
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
obj-$(CONFIG_BISCUITOS_MISC)     += BiscuitOS_drv.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_BISCUITOS_MEMBLOCK) += memblock.o



Device Driver--->
    [*]BiscuitOS Driver--->
        [*]Memblock allocator


基于 Linux 5.x 的 arm32 开发环境搭建教程


驱动运行还需要在内核的指定位置添加调试点,由于该驱动需要在内核启动阶段就使用,请参考下 面 patch 将源码指定位置添加调试代码:

diff --git a/arch/arm/kernel/setup.c b/arch/arm/kernel/setup.c
index 375b13f..d36d824 100644
--- a/arch/arm/kernel/setup.c
+++ b/arch/arm/kernel/setup.c
@@ -1074,6 +1074,10 @@ void __init setup_arch(char **cmdline_p)
        const struct machine_desc *mdesc;
+       extern int debug_memblock_reserve(void);
        mdesc = setup_machine_fdt(__atags_pointer);
        if (!mdesc)
@@ -1104,6 +1108,10 @@ void __init setup_arch(char **cmdline_p)
        strlcpy(cmd_line, boot_command_line, COMMAND_LINE_SIZE);
        *cmdline_p = cmd_line;
+       debug_memblock_reserve();



基于 Linux 5.x 的 arm32 开发环境搭建教程



基于 Linux 5.x 的 arm32 开发环境搭建教程


CPU: ARMv7 Processor [410fc090] revision 0 (ARMv7), cr=10c5387d
CPU: PIPT / VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIPT nonaliasing instruction cache
OF: fdt: Machine model: V2P-CA9
Region [0x0 -- 0x0]
Scan first region:
Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Scan behine and disjunct region:
Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x62000000 -- 0x62200000]
Scan behine and conjunct region:
Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x62000000 -- 0x62400000]
Scan behine but contain regions:
Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x62000000 -- 0x62500000]
Scan contain but equal regions:
Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x62000000 -- 0x62600000]
Scan region which contain exist one:
Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x61000000 -- 0x63000000]
Scan region which contain new one:
Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x61000000 -- 0x63000000]
Scan region which contain and head of regions:
Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x61000000 -- 0x63000000]
Scan equal region:
Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x61000000 -- 0x63000000]
Scan forware and contain regions:
Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x60f00000 -- 0x63000000]
Scan forward and conjunct regions:
Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x60e00000 -- 0x63000000]
Scan forware and disjunct regions:
Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x60a00000 -- 0x60b00000]
Region [0x60e00000 -- 0x63000000]
Malformed early option 'earlycon'
Memory policy: Data cache writeback
Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x4c000000, size 8 MiB


当往 MEMBLOCK 的预留区中加入第一个内存区块,MEMBLOCK 分配器会将第一个预留区放到 reserved.regions 链表的头部,并更新相应的数据,测试代码如下:

        /* Scan old reserved region */
        for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
                pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                        reg->base + reg->size);

        /* Reserved memblock region is empty and insert a new region
         * memblock.reserved--->+--------+
         *                      |        |
         *                      | Empty- |
         *                      |        |
         *                      +--------+
        memblock_reserve(0x60000000, 0x200000);
        pr_info("Scan first region:\n");
        for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
                pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                        reg->base + reg->size);

从源码中可知,调用 memblock_serve() 函数,将内存区块 [0x60000000, 0x60200000] 添加 到预留区间的头部,添加完毕之后,调用 for_each_memblock() 函数遍历预留区内的所有内存 区块,运行结果如下:

Region [0x0 -- 0x0]
Scan first region:
Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]

从运行的结果可以看出,第一次调用 for_each_memblock() 函数遍历预留区的时候,预留区 为空,所以打印的值都是 0。当添加第一个内存区块之后,再调用 for_each_memblock() 函数 遍历预留区之后,第一个预留区块就是刚刚添加的内存区块: 0x60000000 – 0x60200000。综 上所述,memblock_reserve() 函数会将第一个预留区存储到 memblock.reserved.regions 的头部。

当往 MEMBLOCK 的预留区中加入一个内存区块,并且新加入的内存区块与已存在的内存区块后端 相连,测试代码如下:

 * Insert a new region which behine and conjunct an exist region:
 * memblock.reserved:
 *                      base
 * rbase                rend                     end
 * +--------------------+------------------------+
 * |                    |                        |
 * |   Exist regions    |       new region       |
 * |                    |                        |
 * +--------------------+------------------------+
 * 1) base == rend
 * 2) rbase: 0x62000000
 *    rend:  0x62200000
 *    base:  0x62200000
 *    end:   0x62400000
 * Processing: Insert/Merge
 * rbase                                         rend
 * +---------------------------------------------+
 * |                                             |
 * |   Exist regions                             |
 * |                                             |
 * +---------------------------------------------+
 * 1) rbase: 0x62000000
 *    rend:  0x62400000
memblock_reserve(0x62200000, 0x200000);
pr_info("Scan behine and conjunct region:\n");
for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
        pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                reg->base + reg->size);

从源码中可知,在加入新的内存区块之前,系统已经存在多块内存区块,其中一块范围为: [0x62000000, 0x62200000]. 调用 memblock_reserve() 函数,将内存区块 [0x62200000, 0x62400000] 添加到预留内存区,调用 for_each_memblock() 函数遍历预留区内的所有内存 区块,运行结果如下:

Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x62000000 -- 0x62200000]
Scan behine and conjunct region:
Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x62000000 -- 0x62400000]

从运行的结果可以看出,调用 for_each_memblock() 函数进行遍历的过程中,函数发现两个内存 区块相连并且新的内存区块位于后端,那么函数就将这个新的内存区块加入到预留内存区链表的尾 部,由于相连,就将这两个内存区块合并为一个内存区块,具体过程情况源码分析部分。

当往 MEMBLOCK 的预留区中加入一个内存区块,由于新加入的内存区块与已存在的内存区块存在 重叠部分,并且新内存区块前部重叠但后部不重叠,具体代码如下:

 * Insert a new region that part of new region contains by exist
 * regions and part of new region behine exist regions:
 * memblock.reserved:
 * rbase                     rend
 * | <---------------------> |
 * +----------------+--------+----------------------+
 * |                |        |                      |
 * | Exist regions  |        |     new region       |
 * |                |        |                      |
 * +----------------+--------+----------------------+
 *                  | <---------------------------> |
 *                  base                            end
 * 1) base > rebase
 * 2) end  > rend
 * 3) base > rend
 * 4) rbase: 0x62000000
 *    rend:  0x62400000
 *    base:  0x62300000
 *    end:   0x62500000
 * Processing: Insert/Merge
 * rbase                                            rend
 * +------------------------------------------------+
 * |                                                |
 * | Exist regions                                  |
 * |                                                |
 * +------------------------------------------------+
 * 1) rbase: 0x62000000
 *    rend:  0x62500000
memblock_reserve(0x62300000, 0x200000);
pr_info("Scan behine but contain regions:\n");
for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
        pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                reg->base + reg->size);

从源码中可知,调用 memblock_serve() 函数,将内存区块 [0x62300000, 0x62500000] 添加 到预留区间的头部,添加之前,新内存区块与内存区 [0x62000000, 0x62400000] 存在重叠, 添加完毕之后,调用 for_each_memblock() 函数遍历预留区内的所有内存区块,运行结果如下:

Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x62000000 -- 0x62400000]
Scan behine but contain regions:
Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x62000000 -- 0x62500000]

从运行的结果可以看出,memblock_reserve() 函数将重叠的部分以及后续部分合并到原始的内存 区块中,并未占用新的节点。具体原理请看源码分析。

将一块内存区块加入到预留区链表里,新加入的内存区块包含整块内存区块,并且新加入的 内存区块头部和尾部都不与已存在的内存区块重叠,以此实践验证这种情况下, memblock_reserve() 会将这两个区合并但不占用新的内存区块节点,测试代码如下:

 * Insert a new region that contain whole exist regions.
 * memblock.reserved:
 * base             New regions                     end
 * | <--------------------------------------------> |
 * +-----------+--------------------+---------------+
 * |           |                    |               |
 * |           |   Exist regions    |               |
 * |           |                    |               |
 * +-----------+--------------------+---------------+
 *             | <----------------> |
 *             rbase                rend
 * 1) base < rbase
 * 2) rend < end
 * 3) rbase: 0x62000000
 *    rend:  0x62600000
 *    base:  0x61000000
 *    end:   0x63000000
 * Processing: Insert/Merge
 * rbase                                            rend
 * +------------------------------------------------+
 * |                                                |
 * |              Exist Regions                     |
 * |                                                |
 * +------------------------------------------------+
 * 1) rbase: 0x61000000
 *    rend:  0x63000000
memblock_reserve(0x61000000, 0x2000000);
pr_info("Scan region which contain exist one:\n");
for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
        pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                reg->base + reg->size);

从源码中可知,调用 memblock_serve() 函数,将内存区块 [0x61000000, 0x63000000] 添加 到预留区间链表,在添加之前,预留区存在一块内存区块,其范围是: [0x62000000, 0x62600000],添加完毕之后,调用 for_each_memblock() 函数遍历预留区内 的所有内存区块,运行结果如下:

Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x62000000 -- 0x62600000]
Scan region which contain exist one:
Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x61000000 -- 0x63000000]

从运行的结果可以看出,调用 memblock_reserve() 函数之后,预留区的一块内存区范围变成了 [0x61000000, 0x63000000],因此通过实践可知,这种情况下,内存区块会进行合并但不产生新 的内存区块节点。

当往 MEMBLOCK 的预留区中加入一个内存区块,内存区块的范围是: [0x62000000, 0x62600000],测试代码如下:

 * Insert a new region that contain an exist regions which base
 * address is equal to new region. The end address of new region
 * is big than exist regions.
 * memblock.reserved:
 * rbase:             rend
 * | <--------------> |
 * +------------------+-----------------------------+
 * |                  |                             |
 * |  Exist regions   |                             |
 * |                  |                             |
 * +------------------+-----------------------------+
 * | <--------------------------------------------> |
 * base              new region                     end
 * 1) base == rbase
 * 2) rend < end
 * 3) rbase: 0x62000000
 *    rend:  0x62500000
 *    base:  0x62000000
 *    end:   0x62600000
 * Processing: Insert/Merge
 * rbase                                            rend
 * +------------------------------------------------+
 * |                                                |
 * |  Exist regions                                 |
 * |                                                |
 * +------------------------------------------------+
 * 1) rbase: 0x62000000
 *    rend:  0x62600000
memblock_reserve(0x62000000, 0x600000);
pr_info("Scan contain but equal regions:\n");
for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
        pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                reg->base + reg->size);

从源码中可知,调用 memblock_serve() 函数,将内存区块 [0x62000000, 0x62600000] 添加 到预留区间的头部,添加完毕之后,调用 for_each_memblock() 函数遍历预留区内的所有内存 区块,运行结果如下:

Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x62000000 -- 0x62500000]
Scan contain but equal regions:
Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x62000000 -- 0x62600000]

从运行的结果可以看出,在添加内存区块之前,预留区包含了一个块内存区块的范围是: [0x62000000, 0x62500000],新加入的内存区块范围是: [0x62000000, 0x62600000], 合并 之后的内存区是: [0x62000000, 0x62600000], 预留区的内存区数并未发生改变,所以合并成 功。具体原理请看源码分析。

当将一块与已存在的内存区块重合并且起始地址相同,但终止地址小于已存在内存区块的内存 区块加入到预留区后,MEMBLOCK 是否会将这两个内存区块合并为一块内存区块,并且合并后的内 存区块和之前存在的内存区块一致。具体源码如下:

 * Insert a new region into memblock.reserved regions that exist region
 * contains new region and the base address of exist region is equal
 * to new, but the end address of exist is big than new.
 * memblock.reserved:
 * rbase              Exist regions               rend
 * | <------------------------------------------> |
 * +----------------+-----------------------------+
 * |                |                             |
 * |   New region   |                             |
 * |                |                             |
 * +----------------+-----------------------------+
 * | <------------> |
 * base             end
 * 1) base == rbase
 * 2) end < rend
 * 3) rbase: 0x61000000
 *    rend:  0x63000000
 *    base:  0x61000000
 *    end:   0x62000000
 * Processing: Insert/Merge
 * rbase                                          rend
 * +----------------------------------------------+
 * |                                              |
 * |  Exist Regions                               |
 * |                                              |
 * +----------------------------------------------+
 * 1) rbase: 0x61000000
 *    rend:  0x63000000
memblock_reserve(0x61000000, 0x1000000);
pr_info("Scan region which contain and head of regions:\n");
for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
        pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                reg->base + reg->size);

从源码中可知,调用 memblock_serve() 函数,将内存区块 [0x61000000, 0x62000000] 添加 到预留区间,添加完毕之后,调用 for_each_memblock() 函数遍历预留区内的所有内存 区块,运行结果如下:

Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x61000000 -- 0x63000000]
Scan region which contain and head of regions:
Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x61000000 -- 0x63000000]

从运行的结果可以看出,添加新内存区块之前,预留区就存在一块内存区块,其范围是: [0x61000000, 0x63000000],新加的内存区块 [0x61000000, 0x62000000] 与之前的内存区块 头部重叠,合并之后的内存区块范围是: [0x61000000,0x63000000],因此验证了之前的猜想。 具体原理请看源码分析。

当往 MEMBLOCK 的预留区中加入一个内存区块,新的内存区块的范围被已存在的内存区块覆盖, 并且新内存区块的起始地址大于已存在的内存区块起始地址,但新内存区块的终止地址和已存在内 存区块的终止地址相等,插入到预留内存区之后,新的内存区块被完全合并到已存在的内存 区块内。

 * Insert a new region into memblock.reserved regions that new region
 * contain by exist regions, but the base address of new regions is
 * big than exist regions, and end address of new regions is equal
 * to exist regions.
 * memblock.reserved:
 * rbase           Exist regions                   rend
 * | <-------------------------------------------> |
 * +-------------------+---------------------------+
 * |                   |                           |
 * |                   |      New region           |
 * |                   |                           |
 * +-------------------+---------------------------+
 *                     | <-----------------------> |
 *                     base                        end
 * 1) end == rend
 * 2) rbase < base
 * 3) rbase: 0x61000000
 *    rend:  0x63000000
 *    base:  0x62000000
 *    end:   0x63000000
 * Processing: Insert/Merge
 * rbase                                           rend
 * +-----------------------------------------------+
 * |                                               |
 * |  Exist regions                                |
 * |                                               |
 * +-----------------------------------------------+
 * 1) rbase: 0x61000000
 *    rend:  0x63000000
memblock_reserve(0x62000000, 0x1000000);
pr_info("Scan region which contain new one:\n");
for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
        pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                reg->base + reg->size);

从源码中可知,调用 memblock_serve() 函数,将内存区块 [0x62000000, 0x63000000] 添加 到预留区间,添加完毕之后,调用 for_each_memblock() 函数遍历预留区内的所有内存 区块,运行结果如下:

Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x61000000 -- 0x63000000]
Scan region which contain new one:
Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x61000000 -- 0x63000000]

从运行的结果可以看出,第一次调用 for_each_memblock() 函数遍历预留区的时候,预留区已 经存在一块内存区 [0x61000000, 0x63000000],新加入的内存区块的范围是: [0x62000000, 0x63000000], 进过 memblock_reserve() 函数调用之后,MEMBLOCK 分配器会 将两个内存区块合并,但存在完整重叠,所以合并后的内存区块不变,其范围为: [0x61000000,0x63000000]。具体原理请看源码分析。

当往 MEMBLOCK 的预留区中加入一个内存区块之前,预留区存在一个内存区块,其范围是: [0x60000000, 0x60200000],新加入的内存区块不与已存在的内存区块相连,其范围是: [0x62000000, 0x62200000],调用 memblock_reserve() 函数将内存区块加入到预留区内存区 块链表上,源码如下:

 * Insert a new region which behine and disjunct an exist region:
 * memblock.reserved:
 * rbase                rend         base                  end
 * +--------------------+            +---------------------+
 * |                    |            |                     |
 * |   Exist regions    |            |      new region     |
 * |                    |            |                     |
 * +--------------------+            +---------------------+
 * 1) rend < base
 * 2) rbase: 0x60000000
 *    rend:  0x60200000
 *    base:  0x62000000
 *    end:   0x62200000
 * Processing: Insert/Merge
 * rbase                rend         rbase                 rend
 * +--------------------+            +---------------------+
 * |                    |            |                     |
 * |   Exist regions    |            |    Exist regions    |
 * |                    |            |                     |
 * +--------------------+            +---------------------+
 * 1) rbase: 0x60000000
 *    rend:  0x60200000
 *    base:  0x62000000
 *    end:   0x62200000
memblock_reserve(0x62000000, 0x200000);
pr_info("Scan behine and disjunct region:\n");
for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
        pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                reg->base + reg->size);

从源码中可知,调用 memblock_serve() 函数,将内存区块 [0x62000000, 0x62200000] 添加 到预留区间链表,添加完毕之后,调用 for_each_memblock() 函数遍历预留区内的所有内存 区块,运行结果如下:

Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Scan behine and disjunct region:
Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x62000000 -- 0x62200000]

从运行结果可以看出,不相连的内存区块加入到预留区链表后,并不会和其他已存在的内存区块进 行合并,而是占用了一个新的节点。具体原理分析情况源码分析。

当往 MEMBLOCK 的预留区中加入一个内存区块,加入的内存区块与已存在的内存区块完全重合, 测试代码如下:

 * Insert a new region into memblock.reserved and new region is
 * same with exist regions.
 * memblock.reserved:
 * rbase            Exist Regions                 rend
 * | <------------------------------------------> |
 * +----------------------------------------------+
 * |                                              |
 * |                                              |
 * |                                              |
 * +----------------------------------------------+
 * | <------------------------------------------> |
 * base             New region                    end
 * 1) rbase = base
 * 2) rend  = end
 * 3) rbase: 0x61000000
 *    rend:  0x63000000
 *    base:  0x61000000
 *    rend:  0x63000000
 * Processing: Insert/Merge
 * rbase                                          rend
 * +----------------------------------------------+
 * |                                              |
 * | Exist regions                                |
 * |                                              |
 * +----------------------------------------------+
 * 1) rbase: 0x61000000
 *    rend:  0x63000000
memblock_reserve(0x61000000, 0x2000000);
pr_info("Scan equal region:\n");
for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
        pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                reg->base + reg->size);

从源码中可知,调用 memblock_serve() 函数,将内存区块 [0x61000000, 0x63000000] 添加 到预留区,添加完毕之后,调用 for_each_memblock() 函数遍历预留区内的所有内存区块,运 行结果如下:

Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x61000000 -- 0x63000000]
Scan equal region:
Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x61000000 -- 0x63000000]

从运行的结果可以看出,当添加新的内存区块 [0x61000000, 0x63000000] 之前,预留区已经 存在一块同样大小的内存区块,执行 memblock_reserve() 函数之后,MEMBLOCK 将两块合并 成一块,合并之后的内存区块和之前的内存区块一致,所以并未在预留区的内存区块链表上增加 新的节点。

当往 MEMBLOCK 的预留区中加入一个内存区块,新的内存区块的终止地址与存在的内存区块的首 地址重合,测试代码如下:

 * Insert a new region into memblock.reserved regions, and new region
 * is in front of exist regions and conjunct with exist regions.
 * memblock.reserved:
 *                        rbase                      rend
 *                        | <----------------------> |
 * +----------------------+--------------------------+
 * |                      |                          |
 * | New region           | Exist regions            |
 * |                      |                          |
 * +----------------------+--------------------------+
 * | <------------------> |
 * base                   end
 * 1) end == rbase
 * 2) rbase: 0x60f00000
 *    rend:  0x63000000
 *    base:  0x60e00000
 *    end:   0x60f00000
 * Processing: Insert/Merge
 * rbase                                             rend
 * +-------------------------------------------------+
 * |                                                 |
 * | Exist regions                                   |
 * |                                                 |
 * +-------------------------------------------------+
 * 1) rbase: 0x60e00000
 *    rend:  0x63000000
memblock_reserve(0x60e00000, 0x100000);
pr_info("Scan forward and conjunct regions:\n");
for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
        pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                reg->base + reg->size);

从源码中可知,调用 memblock_serve() 函数之前,预留区存在一块内存区块的地址范围是: [0x60f00000, 0x63000000], MEMBLOCK 将内存区块 [0x60e00000, 0x60f00000] 添加 到预留区间,添加完毕之后,调用 for_each_memblock() 函数遍历预留区内的所有内存区块, 运行结果如下:

Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x60f00000 -- 0x63000000]
Scan forward and conjunct regions:
Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x60e00000 -- 0x63000000]

从运行的结果可以看出,调用 memblock_reserve() 函数之后,MEMBLOCK 将两块内存区块合并 成一块,其地址方位变成 [0x60e00000, 0x63000000],并且预留区的内存区块链表没有增加节 点数。具体原理请查看源码分析。

当往 MEMBLOCK 的预留区中加入一个内存区块,新的内存区块与已存在的内存区块不相连,并且 新内存区块位于已存在内存区块的前段,测试代码如下:

 * Insert a new region into memblock.reserved regions that disjunct
 * with exist regions, and the end address of new regions is more
 * small than exist.
 * memblock.reserved
 * base                    end        rbase               rend
 * +-----------------------+          +-------------------+
 * |                       |          |                   |
 * | New region            |          | Exist regions     |
 * |                       |          |                   |
 * +-----------------------+          +-------------------+
 * 1) end < rbase
 * 2) rbase: 0x60e00000
 *    rend:  0x63000000
 *    base:  0x60a00000
 *    end:   0x60b00000
memblock_reserve(0x60a00000, 0x100000);
pr_info("Scan forware and disjunct regions:\n");
for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
        pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                reg->base + reg->size);

从源码中可知,调用 memblock_serve() 函数,将内存区块 [0x60a00000, 0x60b00000] 添加 到预留区间内,此时预留区内已经存在一个内存区块,其范围是:[0x60e00000, 0x63000000], 添加完毕之后,调用 for_each_memblock() 函数遍历预留区内的所有内存区块,运行结果如下:

Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x60e00000 -- 0x63000000]
Scan forware and disjunct regions:
Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x60a00000 -- 0x60b00000]
Region [0x60e00000 -- 0x63000000]

从运行的结果可以看出,新插入的内存区块并没有和任何内存区块进行合并,而且新加入的内存区 块被加到了预留区内存区块链表的头部,具体原理请看源码分析。

当往 MEMBLOCK 的预留区中加一个内存区块,新的内存区块的尾部与已存在的内存区块的头部重 合,具体代码如下:

 * Insert a new region into memblock.reserved regions. The base address
 * of new region is in the front of base address of exist regions,
 * but end address of new region is big then exist.
 * memblock.reserved
 *                 rbase     Exist regions        rend
 *                 | <--------------------------> |
 * +---------------+--------+---------------------+
 * |               |        |                     |
 * |               |        |                     |
 * |               |        |                     |
 * +---------------+--------+---------------------+
 * | <--------------------> |
 * base   New region        end
 * 1) rbase > base
 * 2) rbase < end
 * 3) end < rend
 * 4) rbase: 0x61000000
 *    rend:  0x63000000
 *    base:  0x60f00000
 *    ene:   0x61100000
 * Processing: Insert/Merge
 * rbase                                          rend
 * +----------------------------------------------+
 * |                                              |
 * | Exist regions                                |
 * |                                              |
 * +----------------------------------------------+
 * 1) rbase: 0x60f00000
 *    rend:  0x63000000
memblock_reserve(0x60f00000, 0x200000);
pr_info("Scan forware and contain regions:\n");
for_each_memblock(reserved, reg)
        pr_info("Region [%#x -- %#x]\n", reg->base,
                reg->base + reg->size);

从源码中可知,调用 memblock_serve() 函数,将内存区块 [0x60f00000, 0x61100000] 添加 到预留区,添加完毕之后,调用 for_each_memblock() 函数遍历预留区内的所有内存区块,运行 结果如下:

Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x61000000 -- 0x63000000]
Scan forware and contain regions:
Region [0x60000000 -- 0x60200000]
Region [0x60f00000 -- 0x63000000]

从运行的结果可以看出,在调用 memblock_reserve() 之前,预留区存在一块内存区块,其范围 [0x61000000,0x63000000],当插入新的内存区块之后,MEMBLOCK 将两个内存区块合并为一个 内存区块,其范围变为:[0x60f00000,0x63000000] ,但这样并未增加预留区中内存区块链表 的节点。具体原理请看源码分析。



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